Ver Versão Completa : mais um spam, e esse eh gringo

07-01-06, 18:17
dae recebi isso hj, pelo q entendi, o cara fala q ta ocm um dinheiro pra receber, mas qeur usar minha conta como intermediaria, e q me da uma comissao por isso

i eu em
to fora

Good Day and God bless as I introduce my self to you with all faith, trust and hope you will understand me to assist us and
not to betray us at the end.

I am 20 Years old, my father died about 3 years ago in a gold mine in Mende, Republic of Serria Leone . He was into legal
gold minning,he has succeded in saving $8.6 millions dollars during his Business on Gold, before he went on a trip to
Republic of Cote D'Ivoire West Africa near by country to our country to save his money for security reasons because of the
political problem in our country.

I need help from you to help me transfer this money to your country for investment and who will be sincere to invert me to his
country with out cheating me or doing bad to me on my arraival with my sister, I'm willing to give you 15% of the money after
the transfer of the money , please mail me immidately urgent to know your stands before looking else where you're the first
person i'm contacting.
Please permit me to ask Can you honestly help me as your own person and can I completely trust you.

Please,Treat this email confidential and get back to me as soon as possible.

Sincerely Yours,
Allou Ibimina

08-01-06, 09:05

08-01-06, 13:09
ow Bruno... pq não deu a conta!?
ajuda o cara lah powww...


08-01-06, 13:14
ow Bruno... pq não deu a conta!?
ajuda o cara lah powww...

olha q a comissao eh gorda em, 15%

Pedro Yamaha
08-01-06, 13:24
oh bruno nao seja mau hein

o rapaiz precisa de ajuda ]:)

08-01-06, 14:56

08-01-06, 17:03
Fuck you yorself.....huehuehuehuehue

08-01-06, 17:32

Se não m engano isso ai passou no Fantastico semana passada, os caras são d paises do continente africano, isso virou uma praga lá, igual a parada da fraude via internet la daquela cidade do Pará q estourou um tempo atras.

Lu Carvalho
08-01-06, 17:59
Ô Bruno deixa de ser chato!

É por uma boa causa, dá o número da conta logo pro cara, sô!