Peter's mood now is extremely painful, he did not expect that the College of Light would fight so hard, the first game to take out all the strength to fight, of course, this is Peter's own view that this is all the strength of the College of Light, but if this is not all the strength of the Academy of Light, then the team of the Academy of Light this time is very fierce! Nock and Hawk also did not expect the Academy of Light to come up with such a strong formation in the first game, although I do not know if this is the full strength of the Academy of Light, but the exposure of the Dragon Knight is too urgent, like this card, how can it be easily exposed early! And the victory or defeat of this game is not very important, even if it is lost, it will not have much impact, which makes all the people present do not understand what the Academy of Light is thinking. The honorary president of Guangming College sitting in the audience of Guangming College is also suffering unspeakably now! According to the normal battle plan, there is no need to send such a powerful line-ups, ahead of time to expose their strong strength that is also very foolish, but he can not, who called this is the order of the Pope of Light. Although he is a headmaster, he is only an honorary headmaster. The real headmaster is the Pope. To put it bluntly, he is a puppet. It is not his turn to make real decisions. In order to restore the reputation of the Holy See, they must show a strong side, and they must win all the way out, that is to say, they must win five games in a row! The honorary headmaster is very painful now,Ceramic Band Heater, winning five games in a row! You can't just talk about it. Now he is also lamenting his bad luck! Just after the group match, he played against the two colleges, which made him very painful, but he didn't expect to meet Yunhai College in the first match, which was like adding fuel to the fire! For the sake of the Pope's order, he could only take out the original bottom things in advance, two dragon knights sent one, and the only ascetic was sent out. Now he understood why those geniuses who could only be trained within the Holy See of Light were suddenly sent to the outer courtyard of the Academy of Light, which was planned by the Pope, in order to make a big splash in the exchange competition and then restore the reputation of the Holy See of Light, and now the reputation of the Holy see of Light is in a disastrous decline, and now the Pope is doing everything he can to restore his reputation. The Pope will go if he can, cordierite c520 ,ceramic welding tape, or even if he can. The match soon began, and the students of Yunhai College did not understand what the situation was, and a swordsman was split by the dragon knight, but fortunately he did not appear. This made the students of Yunhai College confused. The one who was split out was the most powerful and powerful swordsman among them! He can't even catch a move, so how can he fight! The students of the Academy of Light did not give them much time to think, only to hear a roar from the ascetic in the middle, a white circle of light spread out, covering the students of the Academy of Light with a layer of white light, which is the ascetic's signature skill war roar! As soon as Yunhai College saw that the other side was so strong, they thought that there was no way out, so they could only go all out, even if they lost, they could not make the other side feel better. The swordsmen looked at each other and nodded firmly. The Dharma Masters in the back smiled bitterly when they saw the swordsmen in front of them. They had worked together so many times. They had a tacit understanding with each other. They knew what the other was going to do just by looking at their eyes and movements. The five swordsmen on the side of Yunhai Academy suddenly calmed down, only to see them silently reciting something in their mouths. The mage behind them also floated in the air, and the staff in their hands also floated in the air with their bodies. The blue air from the ground spiraled slowly around them. They looked more like praying than preparing for magic. Around the five swordsmen in front of them, there was also a blue airflow coming out of the ground and into their bodies, and their eyes and hair slowly turned blue. The people of Guangming Academy didn't know what to do when they saw this situation. They had never seen this kind of move before, which made them a little confused about whether they should attack or not. If they attacked, what if it was a trap? It was said that they could only win but not lose in this game. In the audience, the honorary president of Guangming College is now in a hurry. The students have not seen it, but he has seen it. It is a prayer of Yunhai College. The students are begging for the power of the sea God and the blessing of the sea God. The Yunhai Empire is an empire that believes in the sea God. They believe in the power of the sea. The honorary president of Guangming College desperately motioned to the students who were in a daze to interrupt their prayer, because the competition field was arranged with an inward soundproof boundary, so they could not hear the sound outside. The headmaster motioned for a long time that the students had not looked at him. As soon as he saw that the prayer was about to be completed, he could only stamp his feet and sit down with a sigh. He was not afraid that he could not win, but once the other side had completed the prayer, they could only let the dragon knight recruit the dragon. In this way, the strength of the dragon knight was completely exposed. Because the strength of the dragon can be judged from the size, the original dragon did not come out, so even if the strength of the dragon knight is not fully exposed, but fortunately they have two dragon knights here, exposed one and one. Peter looked at the behavior of his students, completely stunned there, he did not expect his students so dare to fight! Prayer is a very expensive thing. They will not be able to use their power for two years. During those two years, they will become useless. After two years, their strength will slowly recover, but it will take a year to recover to their original strength. Nock and Hawk looked at the students of Yunhai College and exclaimed, "They really dare to fight!"! Even this trick has been used! "My students are good," said Peter Hong! Even if you die, you have a cushion! This is the people of our sea,7g Ozone Generator, I am proud of them, even if they lose, they are also the heroes of our Yunhai Academy. Peter turned around and secretly wiped away the tears from his eyes. They didn't have to work so hard. They could have been beaten off and admitted defeat. The strength gap was so big that no one would say anything about them even if they lost. But they didn't. They chose to fight to the end with all their strength. They were willing to fight for the honor of the college.